Study Questions by Chapters

Apr 17, 2019 | Blog, Board Development, Discipleship, Leadership, Pastor, Spiritual Formation

Elsewhere on my blog pages, I discuss the strategic importance of asking the right questions as we lead others in faith communities. See blog posts, “Questions Decisive Leaders Need to Ask…and Answer” (November 25, 2013), and “Ask Strategic Questions” (April 8, 2014).

Please click here to locate Study Questions by Chapters for use with the book, Leading Decisively! Leading Faithfully! Reflections and Markers. These questions were prepared by Pastor H. E. McBride and others in a “pastors mentoring pastors” monthly gathering for mutual support, encouragement and professional development.

Probing questions are asked, such as:

How is leading decisively and faithfully expressed in a Christian community? (p. 8)

How does our pursuit of Christlikeness translate to a Christian leadership lifestyle? (p. 30)

How do we exemplify to those we lead that a lifestyle transformation is a lifelong pursuit including the necessity for change in values, priorities, commitments and character qualities? (p. 59)

What are the responsibilities of the leader and the board to each other and to the ministry they both serve? (pp. 95-109)

What does it really mean to lead a divided faith community with the mind of Christ in the midst of conflicts and personal pain? (p. 154)

How can an individual lead in such a way that the persons served grow in the process, as the leader and the led work together to accomplish agreed upon goals for the advancement of the Kingdom? (p. 179)

The study questions for each chapter conclude with these inquires:

Were there any highlights you made in this chapter that you would like to share?

Was this chapter informative, convicting, affirming, and/or troubling to you regarding your present exercise of leadership?

The concluding questions are:

What is your “take-away” from this book that will help, has already helped, you to be a more decisive and faithful leader in your current assignment?

What material has been convicting to you that you need not ignore after completing this book? What specific steps can you take to continue to address these areas?

The book is now translated into five languages – Spanish, Korean, Burmese, Portuguese and Italian languages. Translations in two additional Asian languages are now in process of completion.

This photo was taken recently during the Spanish edition book launch and FADES conference at the Nazarene Seminary of the Southern Cone, Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Please let me know how you use the questions. Which questions were most helpful? Least? What was the format in which the questions were used? These questions may assist other leaders who study the book for professional development. Pastors and teachers may find the questions helpful as you work through the book in groups.

One district in the Unites States last year required the students in the course, “Leading the People of God” to answer each question for every chapter in writing as a key component in the ministerial course of study class.

You may purchase the book or several of the translated editions books through Amazon and Kindle. Or, check the home page for links to information on how to order the books. Spanish editions are also available through the Nazarene Seminary of the Southern Cone, Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contact Dr. Jorge Julca, South America regional educational coordinator and president of the Seminary in Argentina, or contact me at:

As usual, I welcome your comments and prayers.

Edward LeBron Fairbanks

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