I remember conducting my first local church Board two-day planning retreat. What a blessing for me! The retreat format was built around “Characteristics of Strong and Effective Board Members.” Upon completing the retreat, a board member shared with the group that “we have a year of work as a board outlined for us this weekend.” It dawned on me in that retreat setting the significant mentoring role a leader has in relation to his/her governing board. Since that retreat years ago, I have given significant time to both the characteristics of strong and effective local church boards, and also to the ways in which pastors can intentionally mentor and develop the boards they serve so that together they can be more efficient and effective for mission accomplishment.
I was invited recently to speak to the Metro Manila district, Church of the Nazarene, on the subject of the pastor and church board relationship. Please clink the link here to view the presentation and discussion guide I prepared for the pastors. The material was received well, and the discussion will continue. I welcome your comments on the presentation, and your observations on the subject.